Shikottii, hailing originally from the picturesque island of Guam, is a musical tour de force who’s bent on setting the Japanese Hip Hop world on fire. A multicultural melting pot of English and Japanese lyrics, he is a unique talent who brings an innovative blend of cultures to his work.
His musical influences span the gamut – Bank.somsaart, Tech N9ne, SANTAWORLDVIEW, NF, Jin Dogg, Yvng Patra, and Hollywood Undead – they have all left their unique imprints on Shikottii’s artistry.
Presently making waves from his base in Las Vegas, NV, Shikottii’s career journey leading to this point has seen him perform at major venues like San Diego Anime Con and Fan Expo San Francisco. Apart from his solo achievements, he also completed a memorable west coast tour for Larry Coleman 2020’s third studio album ‘Hung3r Games 3’. But in his words, he’s just “ya boi SHIKOTTII” out here “spitting fire vocals over fire beats made by the most fire of producers.”
His journey from the tranquil shores of Guam, through the bustling streets of Japan, where he perfected his craft, to the neon glamour of Las Vegas, mirrors the trajectory of his music. A fusion of the familiar and the foreign, Shikottii’s music invites listeners to a brilliant vibe. With Shikottii, the global music scene is definitely a hotter, more vibrant place. Welcome to his world. Welcome to the vibe.
Hip Hop
Scott Ulloa